The miraculous process
of being creative is really so simple and simultaneously so complex that we are still talking about it. Creative process has been part of human activity since the arrival of consciousness. The ability to compare and contrast different feeling states and perceptions demonstrates an analytical ability which becomes a principal tool in the making of creative products. This sensation and perception resides at the base of germination from which the flower of creativity emerges. Attunement to the base determines the level of precision we will be able to attain when looking for novel and effective ways to express what is already latent in the collective consciousness. The more precise we are able to become in retrieving what is there, the more likely we are to produce something which feels at once familiar and completely new. It is ultimately an iteration of a universal truth, seen for the first time in its new form. The viewer may experience the sensation that they are seeing something for the first time, while also experiencing the secondary perception that the meaning of what they are looking at is familiar.
Art is therapeutic in essence. Whether it is serving the purpose of helping us process life experience, communicate our inner worlds or fight against the oppression we face or bring communities together, art is telling our stories in ways which are ultimately therapeutic.